Just giving an update to my fans on what I have going on
right now.
The Hunt Chronicles: Volume 3 Crusade
Currently, I am around 50% done with the first draft. I have
been slacking on it, but am now writing almost every day. Crusade is different
than the first two because unlike those, this is happening “on the road”. There
are some new characters being introduced which I’m excited about, and the loss
of a couple which saddens me. But remember, Christian is telling his not for
the sake of himself, but for those he lost along the way.
Spin Offs
I recently wrote a short story for Chris Philbrook’s latest
Anthology “Only the light we make”. It was fun and I really liked how other
zombie authors and fans came together to write stories based in his AUD world.
This helped an idea of mine come to fruition.
One reason why it takes me FOREVER to complete a book is
because, unfortunately, I am overly detailed when it comes to backstory. You
don’t see it, but it is there. It helps me form the world and characters with a
sense of history. Rarely, any of it makes its way into the first draft, let
alone the final print of my books.
Stories like “Marc”, who owns the store where Enrique killed
his wife. Or “Todd from Portland”, who made first radio contact with our heroes.
Some of their story was written out in notes, while other parts were left swimming
around in my head.
After my part in the Anthology, I decided to do something
else. I have been in negotiation with other zombie authors to co-author some of
these stories. Primarily, I’m looking for authors that live in the area where
the story takes place. The story of “Todd from Portland” is all but a done
deal. We have worked out the mechanics of writing the book and, for the most
part, the legal deals (waiting for a contract to be drafted).
I am also talking with another author on John Ivanisin’s
story. He was the man you never heard from in Revelation. The other group from
Maine that our heroes talked with and found out fire was a weapon against the
dead. The summary of the story is done. Hopefully, we will come to an
I love both stories that have been mapped out. The beauty
about these books is they are stand-alone stories. You don’t even have to read
the original series to understand them.
I am keeping the proposed authors “secret” for the time
being, while we get all of our ducks in a row.
Now, you may say, “Why do spin-off’s while we’re still
waiting on the series to finish?” Well, there are a few reasons:
1. Working with other authors allows me to write
these spin offs part time. Trading chapters back and forth, with each of us
adding our own two cents and developing a unique novel. Time wise, this won’t
be too impacting.
2. Sometimes when I’m writing, I hit a spot I
cannot figure out. It happens to most (or all?) authors. Some of my favorite
scenes in my books is when I write my characters into a corner without a
solution. Think of Chuck, Karina and Christian being trapped in the cooler, or
when Fish handcuffed Christian to the desk. I don’t always have the answers to
these issues and I have to mull over them and try and figure out how “that or
those characters” will escape or find a solution. This can take an hour or a
week, depending on how my brain is working. Trust me, there are times I just
need to move onto something else for a little bit until a solution pops into my
head. This allows me that relief.
3. The problem with my series is that it is what
one author (James Dean) called “A small epic story”. Now, what does that mean
to me? Well, there is a story to be told, and it will not be done until Volume
5. Because of this, every book is a cliff hanger of sort. These books will not
only be stand-alone, but complete stories. One book, one account, all happing
in the world of The Hunt Chronicles with little to no impact on the original
4. And finally, because I want to. Selfish, I know.
I hope my fans will embrace this idea. Especially given the
fact that the authors I am negotiating with are at the top of the list when it
comes to zombie fiction. They will add their own special touch to these stories
that should make them better than if it was just me writing them.
I am currently working with someone to develop cool little
things for The Hunt Chronicles. Shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, etc. I am excited
about this.
Please comment below and let me know what you think!
J.D. Demers